Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Things in Dangerous Places

Ruth 2


If you're just jumping in to this blog, start with Ruth 1 in the entry Devotion.

Gleaning means gathering the crop left over after the harvesters have finished their work. Jews were not allowed to fully harvest their fields, but were to leave some crops for the poor (see Leviticus 23:22). Since it’s barley harvest time, Naomi and Ruth - just arrived from Moab with no wealth or income - have a chance to survive by gathering the leftovers.

Listening to the writer
“As it happens,” Ruth comes to the field of a relative of Elimelech (verse 3). As in Esther, we see “coincidences” in the story that might turn out for good.

Note that Ruth risks being molested in order to simply gather her daily food (verse 9, 12; some translations are clearer than others.)

Also note that Boaz seems mighty interested in Ruth. If you missed that, re-read the chapter!

Listening to God
We can already see the coincidence of Ruth meeting Boaz working out well. Think of some “coincidences” in your life that turned out wonderfully. Do you see God either working to bring about these incidents or to bring good things out of them?

Sometimes people say we can’t risk loving our neighbor or being a “good Samaritan” because the world is so dangerous today. We forget that the world has always been dangerous, and is, in many ways, incredibly safe today. And very few people choose to live in "dangerous" areas - certainly they need love just as much as people who live if "safe" areas. What dangers have you risked in order to follow God? What dangers do you fear as you consider God’s call?

Ruth left everything she knew in order to be with Naomi and to follow Naomi’s God. For many of us, church is what we grew up with. Have you had to leave many things in order to be a Christian? If so, what has God given you in exchange? If not, what do you have from God that you think would be worth someone else leaving their family to gain?

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